I must be crazy or tooooooo open minded that I have let this tragedy happened!

How dare I am. I ate fried chicken pie, fried chips, fried mushroom, fried bees, cake and bubble milk tea at 9:30pm.

After these things, how can I think about the diet I have made up?

Poor Taii, I am 10kg bigger than sophomore.

It’s been much happier in my office since stew rice festival is around the corner. We have been working on purchasing gifts giving our professors and staffs.

Sadly, we can’t get the cake-cookie set but the oily stew rice eventually. (It’s all because of the brand)

Anyway, I’ll get 2 gift boxes on the stew rice festival including the one I bring home today. (Cake of RT)

Did I mention something about my weight? Did I talk about food again? Poor girl:(

今天跑操場到一半時,竟發生跑不動的老人拖步走情景。My goodness.

算起來我應該也跑了快10次有(好啦,只有6次) 每次都有10圈阿!!! 今天在第4圈就停下慢步走…….What the hell?

我的體力在3天內驟降了一半?! You’re not kidding me.= =


回家洗好澡,看大長今 驚覺!! 餓了!!! 拿起偉大科技產品---摩托摩拉call給在外奔波的濟濟


爽完五臟廟,痛我心坎裡What am I doing???????? What have I done?

於是我又發下重誓,以後我說什麼都不要理我。簡訊電話mail、msn任何有關食物訊息都是假的!!!!! 不要理我!!!!!


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