目前分類:R102 (6)

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It's July now, another stage.

辦公室的來來去去,要盡早習慣才行。 "祝福也是一種愛" By 孫一美



今天拿到雅婷給的生日小熊吊飾~~~好開心  好開心!! 就跟Kitty 自動筆一起在辦公室陪伴我吧!!

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It's April!! The deadline is just few steps away........Will I be convinced at that moment?

About the job, about the life, about the plans, time to set them up!! Cus life is short, whilewe are here, we should dance.


Ealier this evening, walking back to office from library......so many couples on the campus!!! 

it's like I'm desperated getting into a relationship.....a nice one! But doesn't work....

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This is not the place I will stay forever, I should have been awared of it long time ago.

木已成舟,接下來是要棄武投降, 大難臨頭各自飛?! 撐下去有什麼好處? 現在走是最好.......的嗎?

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It's been quite long time....


工作上,很多不順心,慢慢逐一化解,still fine....but can't really accept it though.

I understand the situation isn't the one I would love to see.....


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I got the job!!

what a wonderful world~~~~~~~

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i don't like this feeling >"<

How many time have I screamed tonight?

i don't feel comfortable about uncertain situation…….

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