目前分類:WanWanWan (3)

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Waiting to the last minute ? I was too thoughtless to make that decision.

This is what I get from my stupid behavior.

I must have gone too far to trust everyone. Anxious and hateful feelings are keeping surrounding me.

bibilala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

OK, after all those stupid gathering garbage things, the most unbelievable one happened!!

How can my lovely poster be a trash?! It’s in the book-self, well rounded, waiting framed.

It is not something I don’t want, it is the thing I want cherishing.

bibilala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

哀.................... 現在的心情實在是糟到不知如何用英文表達

我家變得好好好好 !!!!!!

新年新氣象~~爸爸心血來潮(或許也計畫了很久) 將家裡大搬風

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