目前分類:Bugs, Butterflies and Bubbles (48)

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2012, 末日的年度, 辭掉大家說的好工作, 去了嚮往的國家, 花光了積蓄, 找了一個不上不下的工作, 辭掉了。重新洗牌, 搬到台北, 上班, 不喜歡, 開始唸書準備考試...........希望能夠讀完..........

這一年也有多次許下多種願望, 還是常常半吊子的任由懶散掌管生活, 仍然無法當上財富主宰, 工作也是浮浮沉沉

原本想著法國遊記可以讓我重回部落格, 恩~中間遇到很多事, 希望未來可以補上

原本想著要絕不離開家鄉, 能省個房租多愉快, 結果到了天龍國, 預計在這裡奮鬥新方向

2013, 想必凡事還是要猶豫三遍五遍十遍百遍, 工作上或許還是莽撞亂衝, 但我已有力氣褪下2012的黯淡

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或許真正適合的從未出現。或許尚未認清自已。高山上的好茶是挑過的一心二葉經過多道細緻烘培才能產出, 南法的香水是檢完整新鮮的花朵一道道的壓製萃取精華,一等一的從開始備料到製程, 每個環節都不能疏忽



條件的設定, 預設的方向, 期望的結果。沒有譜要如何喝唱讚頌?

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It's just very difficult to wipe out any thought that I may being unemployment for.................that long.

All the words transfer to every hint reminding me the situation I'm standing. Please keep the idea paying the lightest pitty toward this girl in your mind. I know exactly what I'm doing, what will I face and what it will be. 

You will all be informed, no need to check with this effort. Thank you. 

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  • Feb 24 Fri 2012 02:14
  • Dream

In a apartment, a bunch of people, and a baby, and I was holding him.

That's the last thing Iwould think of. All these days, so less time this idea ever counted on me.

What would it be like? If I made it in different way.


All those years, the idea has been wrong. I'm the only one care myself the most, not others who just came out  with impulse.

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這些天盯著歐元旅支的匯率, 很是誘人, 但要買多少金額, 還是沒有個底

應該要緊鑼密鼓的計畫行程, 延宕了許多日子, 仍未下手....心頭的刺還擱在那, 無法完全安心, 時光彷彿倒退到多年前的成果報告書事件

這結案報告, 怎麼也無法動筆

每天就是賴在家裡, 不想出門, 不想動, 不想不想不想不想


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150集長長長的日劇-鬼太郎之妻, 步調慢慢的, 情感卻很濃郁, 日劇吸引人的風格,便是如此吧

今天看到婆婆去了另一個世界, 小時後片段的記憶畫面, 突然浮現上來


小學三年級時, 某天的傍晚, 被招回家裡, 說阿公倒下了.......

抵達青草湖的阿爸家, 沒有多久, 看到的是被眾人圍繞, 從救護車送下的病床

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Everytime get this part, can't stop wondering what's my potencial.....

Here comes a girl fluent with both Chinese & English, also a dancer.....nice appreance.....


It's no doubt that no achievment have I gotten.

Thes thoughts need to be released..........

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"很多時候 時間不對 怎麼做都沒用"

鋪床墊 整理雜物 清理房間.....是想證明什麼?




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有些時候 有酒精幫助入眠也是個選擇



I just don't want that.......hate staying in an annoying place.

no more passion, what else do I have? Money? Don't think so....

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開學了 開工了





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  • Oct 11 Mon 2010 23:32
  • Envy

Saw the profile, the album and friends. It's obvious that the life has been moving on.


Not like me.


Guess that's why I got asked what do I wanna do in the future.

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Life is not that easy, but a smile can make everything go through smoothly. J

I have ruined my life in many ways, grab the time is the top priority I have now. Studying English, the goal I once set half year ago. Where is it now?


A smile changed this.


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It should be much more grateful than this. Why am I like a numb now? Why do I still keep thinking about the New Year’s plan? That will be making a mass, I do know that.


Where is the passion I once had? Where is the life lover、enjoyer ? Where is the lovely girl?


The focus has gone.

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剛打了一篇 不見了= =




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  • May 29 Fri 2009 23:22
  • Choice

Well……where should I start with?

I happened to get some information about wretch-the blog I’m using now. Since there have been many people transfer their blogs to other website, there must be something wrong with this place. What I got couple days ago is the official of wretch planned to remove a function which could make we users stick in this place having no other choice.

This is unreasonable!!! We should have our own choice and make decision by OURSELVES. So I’m going to leave.

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I must be crazy or tooooooo open minded that I have let this tragedy happened!

How dare I am. I ate fried chicken pie, fried chips, fried mushroom, fried bees, cake and bubble milk tea at 9:30pm.

After these things, how can I think about the diet I have made up?

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The only thing I want, I need for these days is something I can’t have in short future. You are very king to ask me what I want, what I need. It’s not about the cost, I want something can least forever.

I was thinking about a ticket may fulfill my wish to ease the tension inside my heart, to recharge our energy. Meanwhile, a visit seems not enough to me. I understand the forever thing is toooooo far away from now.

However, I found out there is another thing can replace forever for a little while. Cam. I need a cam!!!

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These days I enjoy my life in office very much. Cakes、cookies、tea and coffee. As Shayan said, I’m very lucky to have supportive colleges around me.

There are sometimes to use English in office, I feel grateful but worried also. Why it is not that fluent as before? There are many things I have to think about and work out.

5 days passed, nothing happened.

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These days i go to bed before pm11:30 and wake up at 6:30am and eat breakfast in the office reading New York Times.

This is my best situation since my junior-high.

I don't care about the physical stuff. The most important thing should be the mental thing.

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