I still don't know how to express the feeling well in English. Language is very difficult to understand= =

it was about one month ago, when i went to see this movie with my sis. I always want to see this movie with super scenes in historical background.

Though this was the second one of it's series and i don't really understand its background, i even don't know who is playing whom or who is good, who is bad.

Imaging that all the foreigners not understand Chinese history, how can they enjoy this movie?

Yes, they can. Just Like me, i was really touched with the people, scenes, music and the story.

Still, the elegant detail of their clothes and every tinny item were so amazing!!!!

How wonderful it is!!!

okay.....i have to say, this blog has become a place for me to practice English, it's nor for releasing my pressure or sharing mu life.

it's just a tool= =

Yesterday, my colleague said i'm very good at English typing!!!!

What a compliment!!!

it's not that fast, but i'm trying to make it perfect!!!

Messenger can be a good way to practice sometimes~~~~~~

Wow~~~~~~~it's been a week since i start working. Very nice.

Keep going~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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