2008.09.29 OSU

Because of the fever, I took a nap before going to library.

I can't sleep very well. My sore throat made me very uncomfortable.

I had a sweet dream which I didn't remember, and I heard Shillver and Micheal were calling my name.

"maybe they are going to have dinner," I thought.

But I was too tired to answer them.

I heard the fire warning and warning.

after 30seconds, it was still warning.

"is this the story of ""child of sheep"" ?" I thought in my dream.

I got up reluctantly,opened the door.

A policeman stand on the hallway.

"Go! There is a fire!!!"

the first idea in my head is to take my bag

but I knew I didn't have enough time to do that, so I gripped my key ( how could a key help me anything?)

when I was going to find the stairs, then I found Kyana waved me to go with her.

there were other girls in my floor going to downstairs.

cuz I live in 8 floor. It really took a long time to get outside by walking.

we finally got outside safely. I found there were many people standing,sitting in the park.

everyone looked so tired, but they keep staring the 12-floor-high dormitary.

a guy asked our RA where the fire came out.

she said, "it's a drill, not real."


"but everyone doesn't know there is a drill today?" I said.

"It's a suprised~ they do this every year."

= =

after I went back to my room.

I found it's really stupid to bring a key when there is a fire.

luckly, it's just a drill.

Never go back to take anything when there is a fire.

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