150集長長長的日劇-鬼太郎之妻, 步調慢慢的, 情感卻很濃郁, 日劇吸引人的風格,便是如此吧

今天看到婆婆去了另一個世界, 小時後片段的記憶畫面, 突然浮現上來


小學三年級時, 某天的傍晚, 被招回家裡, 說阿公倒下了.......

抵達青草湖的阿爸家, 沒有多久, 看到的是被眾人圍繞, 從救護車送下的病床

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Everytime get this part, can't stop wondering what's my potencial.....

Here comes a girl fluent with both Chinese & English, also a dancer.....nice appreance.....


It's no doubt that no achievment have I gotten.

Thes thoughts need to be released..........

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It's April!! The deadline is just few steps away........Will I be convinced at that moment?

About the job, about the life, about the plans, time to set them up!! Cus life is short, whilewe are here, we should dance.


Ealier this evening, walking back to office from library......so many couples on the campus!!! 

it's like I'm desperated getting into a relationship.....a nice one! But doesn't work....

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"很多時候 時間不對 怎麼做都沒用"

鋪床墊 整理雜物 清理房間.....是想證明什麼?




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有些時候 有酒精幫助入眠也是個選擇



I just don't want that.......hate staying in an annoying place.

no more passion, what else do I have? Money? Don't think so....

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This is not the place I will stay forever, I should have been awared of it long time ago.

木已成舟,接下來是要棄武投降, 大難臨頭各自飛?! 撐下去有什麼好處? 現在走是最好.......的嗎?

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